Become the foster parent for one of our wolves or dogs!
Or make a parenthood or friendship to a present - with love and sense!
You can foster a wolf or dog for € 30,00/monthly! Help our animals and our research projects by fostering or giving it as a gift to your beloved ones.
Every foster parent receives a fostering certificate!
- ou can choose "your" wolf/dog
- You get your personal fostering certificate
- You get regularly a newsletter with news about "your" wolf/dog
- If possible, you are invited once a year to a special foster parent event*
- Annually you receive the WSC calendar with the most beautiful pictures
- You get a one-time annual ticket for the "Wildpark Ernstbrunn"
* Exclusive meeting for all foster parents at the WSC. You will be kept uddated with information about our wolves and dogs and research work and you will learn how we work with our animals. A fascinating event for the animals and the foster parents!
Become a friend of one of our wolves or dogs
You can become a "Big friend" for € 15,00/monthly or a "Small friend" for € 7,00/monthly.
Optimal keeping of our animal partners is costly ...
Optimal wolf or dog keeping needs:
- big, well maintained enclosures with retreat areas
- occupation by the human caregivers: regular enrichment, "brain jogging" and the incentives for physical movement
- optimal veterinary care
- diverse and appropriate food
Together this all costs approximately € 30.000,- per animal per year.
Our fostering/friendship programs in detail: