- Gender: male
- Birthdate: 04.05.2016

- Origin: Russia
- Related to: Maikan & Taima
- Meaning of his name: wonderful
Tekoa is a petite, very pretty little male wolf, but he is a sly one.
... appearance
Tekoa is the smaller edition of Maikan. He is the lightest and probably the smallest of our male wolves, but this does not affect his pretty appearance. He also is a bit darker in the face compared to the other wolves and has slightly more brown shades in his coat than average. His clear, brown eyes catch everyone's attention.
... with conspecifics
He has integrated very quickly and well in his "adult pack". He is superficially relatively submissive, but also likes to challenge. He loves to play with his pack members. For him, the adult wolves were extremely important as he orientated his behaviour strongly around the adult wolves and learnt a lot from doing so, such how to deal with strangers and use our Shifting-system.
Just like his sister Taima, he was a strong character in the puppy pack, so it is not surprising that he and his sister Taima strived for a higher position in the pack after a year. So unfortunately, we had to divide the Tala pack in the summer of 2017, and now Tekoa forms a small pack with his sister Taima.
... while learning and interacting with us
Tekoa likes the people he knows a lot and when he is in a relaxed mood, he enjoys being stroked by us. In training, he is extremely docile, as long as the environment is right. He definitely needs a very relaxed environment, with little distraction and he should be familiar with the place otherwise he will quickly become uncertain and then he can’t concentrate on the actual task.
He likes it when he is accompanied in unusual situations by the dogs that raised him. This allows him to relax a lot faster and learn new things.
... with strangers and objects
Tekoa is rather shy at the beginning, but then curiously approaches the foreign guests and sometimes likes to lick them in the face. However, the support of his pack is very important. At the beginning he is usually very critical of new objects, but when he realizes that the thing will not harm him, and he can get some food out of it, he enjoys participating in the tests.
... in puppy age
Tekoa was rather shy and took a relatively long time to get used to the new situation after arriving from Russia. As devoted as he was to his caregivers, he was very shy with strangers. But very slowly it got better and better and with the help of Etu and Ela and also the dogs who were present when raising him, he dared to trust strangers as well.
The nights with him were always especially cuddly, because he always made a special effort to roll into his caregivers and try to crawl into them.