
- Gender: female
- Birthdate: 20.05.2022
- Origin: Austrian animal protection organization
- Related to: Moya & Taio
- Meaning of her name: the illusion
Sarabi is a pretty young lady. She is rather slim, long-legged and her coat is brown brindle. The snout is black and like her siblings, Sarabi has floppy ears. She looks a bit like a greyhound.
Sarabi is somewhat introverted and reserved in her personality. But she is very open and gentle with familiar people and likes to seek physical contact, where she nestles her head against the person and almost somersaults forward.
She is popular with scientists because of her smart and motivated nature, as she always takes part in tests with great joy and passion.
She is also more of a leisurely stroller on walks, unless it is through the park, where she is unsure of certain wolves. But through familiar people, Enzi (her pack comrade), handler dogs and with the "safety islands" (several pleasant, quiet places that are associated with relaxation) she finds self-confidence.
But she is not only reserved and calm, she also has a crazy side, which she lives out in the enclosure with Enzi or when our electronic cargo tricycle drives past her. Then she can turn it up completely.