
- Gender: female
- Birthdate: 02.04.2014
- Origin: WSC
- Meaning of her name (Swahili): rat
Her title "little princess" refers to both her appearance and her behavior. Her tall, slim figure and white markings make her one of the prettiest dogs we have, but her behavior is what some people would describe as princess-like. She doesn't like to sit or lie down in the mud and if she doesn't want to do something, she shys away. Then it takes great persuasion and patience to get them to cooperate with you.
... appearance
Since she is the only white female in her pack, it is easy to distinguish her from the others. She only has a few small brown spots on her back and face, but they cannot be seen from a distance and she therefore appears completely white. Like her siblings, she also has huge ears, long legs and a long tail.
... with conspecifics
After raising the puppies in 2022, Panya was allowed to “adopt” two of the puppies. Since then, she has been in charge of the pack and knows exactly how to deal with them. She plays a crucial role for both of them, because when she goes for a walk or is briefly in the test enclosure for a test, Kovu's world in particular collapses and he has to cry for her at first. But when Panya returns, the joy is even greater.
… when learning and in interaction with us
Panya absolutely loves people she knows and almost goes crazy when she gets visitors. You can hear wild, high-pitched barking and even funny whining throughout the park and it can sometimes take a few minutes for her to calm down again. She also bounces up and down like a rubber ball, both behind the fence and in direct contact. However, once she has finally calmed down, she is a real cuddly toy and enjoys long cuddles.
Your test results depend on your mood and mood. For example, if she is able to concentrate, she usually achieves the best test results. However, if she is in a bad mood and therefore lacks concentration, she often achieves the worst results. Add to that the fact that she is insecure and it is often difficult to convince her to work with us.
... with strangers and unknown objects
She is usually insecure in her first contact with strangers because you have to earn her trust first. If you are also a tall male student, it can happen that she literally barks at you and she gives you a wide berth. However, once you have taken her to your heart, she is very trusting and will happily sit on your lap. She also initially keeps her distance from unknown objects and walks around the new object until she has the courage to make contact. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that she won't react the same way next time.
... in puppy age
When she was born, Panya was almost completely white. With her closed eyes, slightly crumpled face and small ears, she reminded us somewhat of a rat, which earned her the name Panya. But she quickly developed into a very pretty dog who got along well in the pack. However, it became apparent early on that she often needed a little longer to deal with new, unfamiliar things than others in her litter.