
- Gender: female
- Birthdate: 08.04.2022
- Origin: Austrian animal protection organization
- Related to: Kiano
- Meaning of her name: the trustworthy
Inaya is the smallest dog at the WSC. She has floppy ears and a long, golden brown fur. When she was still a puppy she looked like a “Teacup Goldie”. However, quite soon she was way too big to fit in a cup. In the beginning, she had a black nose, which turned pink over the months. Very specific for Inaya is the small, white spot on her forehead. She earned the nickname “slug” when she once came out of a bush with slugs in her beautiful fur.
Even though Inaya is a small, sweet dog, she can also show another side. She compensates the size of her body with a big portion of self-confidence. When an unfamiliar dog (no matter the size) approaches her enclosure, she barks a lot and tries her best to protect her territory. However, often she behaves differently when a wolf passes her enclosure. Especially when she sees Tala through the fence, Inaya gets very excited and seems to be happy to see her.
Inaya forms a pack together with her brother Kiano. Even though Inaya is much smaller than her brother, she knows how to stand her ground and has no problem to speak her mind. Inaya and Kiano get along very well with each other. They groom each other and during the night they sleep next to each other in the dog house. Body contact is very important for Inaya. Since she was a puppy, she enjoyed it a lot. Therefore, she often climbed up to sit on the lap of her hand-raisers. Until today, she loves her cuddles. In such situations, the bustling and lively dog finally calms down and relaxes.
The possibility to spend some time with the Animal Trainers` pet dogs that helped raise her, makes Inaya’s day! She loves the company of her canine “paw-raisers” in her enclosure but also enjoys to go on a walk with them. Most of the time Inaya shows respectful behavior towards the other dogs. Because of that, also sensible dogs get along with her very well.
Inaya already won many hearts as she has a very unique, loving, and joyful character.