- Gender: female
- Birthdate: 21.03.2014
- Origin: WSC
- Related to: Hiari
- Meaning of her name (Swahili): the strong-willed one
Imara means “the strong-willed one”, which suits her really well. She knows exactly what she wants, shows it in a really cute and sweet way.
... appearance
Among her siblings, she is the most petite in the pack. She is light brown and looks very much like her mother Nia. There are only a few things that distinguish the two. Firstly, the white front paws and secondly, the ears. While Nia has unimpressive floppy ears, Imara’s ears are a mix of floppy and upright.
... with conspecifics
She is quite independent and therefore usually stays out of conflicts and group play. If necessary, she is very good at defending herself and quite obviously shows if she doesn't like something. Running up and down the fence and barking like crazy is one of her favorite hobbies, which she shares with her brother Hiari. If you come to the enclosure with a lead in your hand to pick her up for a walk, she will loudly encourage Hiari to run a few laps around the enclosure with her.
… when learning and in interaction with us
Imare shows a great willingness to work and does her best to complete her tasks well during training. When she is eager to work, it is sometimes necessary to actively send Imara on a break because she would not allow herself to rest. However, if she is not interested, it is almost impossible to create interest.
She is not as cuddly as other dogs when in contact with us, but she likes a decent cuddling session if she is in the mood for it.
… with strangers and unknown objects
She usually just ignores strangers - they are of no interest to her as she doesn't expect food or instructions from them - so why waste time on them?!
Imara is quite confident around unfamiliar objects and enjoys exploring new things. She is really clever and independent, so she can manage pretty much any task as long as it is interesting enough for her.
... as a puppy
Imara was a curious, lively puppy who was respected by her litter mates. She developed quite some independence at an early age and explored her surroundings. Although she was so independent, she loved the contact with us humans.