
- Gender: male
- Birthdate: 21.03.2014
- Origin: WSC
- Related to: Imara
- Meaning of his name (Kenia): free will
Hiari has a mind of his own. Although he is generally rather insecure, he knows exactly what he wants to do and what he doesn't want to do. The “will to please” that many dogs are said to have is definitely not to be found in Hiari.
Hiari's appearance is extremely striking. He resembles a mixture of Border Collie and Husky. His coat is short and mainly black and white in color. He occasionally has brown patches - especially on his face. However, his eyes are a special feature. His left eye is completely blue, whereas half of his right eye is blue and the other half is brown.
...with conspecifics
If Hiari knows and likes a conspecific, he is a great partner. Hiari does not like unfamiliar conspecifics, which might originate from his insecurity. However, he gets on very well with the trainer's dogs and his sister Imara. is favourite game is to run up and down along the fence together with his sister - both barking like crazy.
...when learning and in interaction with us
Hiari is said not to be the fastest learner but we are not sure about that. However, if he likes a task and finds it exciting, he is suddenly very quick and enthusiastic about it.
When interacting with people, he shows very clearly when he doesn't feel like it and then seems rather distant. He chooses his people himself and needs a little time before he trusts you and opens up.
...with strangers and unknown objects
Hiari is not one of those dogs that greet strangers particularly warmly when they visit their pack with guests. However, he is curious enough to go up and sniff them and sometimes jump up on them in his excitement. However, he doesn't want to be stroked too intensively. For more intensive contact, he prefers to go to the trainers and get his cuddles there.
… as a puppy
Little Hiari had some bad luck at birth. Nia, his mother, had bitten off the umbilical cord a little too close to his belly and as the bleeding didn't stop on its own, he had to visit our vet when he was only a few minutes old. Everything went well and he grew up to be a little fighter. Whenever there was trouble in the puppy pack, you could be sure that Hiari was involved.