Every beginning is... great!
Monika Bryszewska (intern)

I've been at the WSC for two weeks and the days have passed really fast. When you arrive, the variety of impressions blends into an impressive multisensual kaleidoscope: all the sounds, colors, smells, faces and names – whether human or animal – plenty of information, places, directions, spaces, paths ... it's just overwhelming. You dive into the big variety of (yet) unknown themes and rules, picking up everything like a sponge and hoping that everything will settle as soon as possible in your head and, that you do not forget or overlook something important – till than.
And the next day you are getting off to a flying start: the day is fully structured by exciting duties and interesting tasks, the experienced buddies introduce newcomers, the whole team supports them with grown knowledge and impressive experience. There is so much to discover and learn! And even before you have realized it, you're already in the middle of WSC’s world: the first wolf's kiss and the full-blown snogging with dogs on the Pack Visit, exciting lectures and discussions on various scientific topics, international encounters with Wildlife Park's guests and WSC's roommates – the two- and four-legged – the very first tour piggyback with the WSC’s volunteer guides, the curious look into the test rooms and fascinating testimonials from current tests, unforgettable walks with one of the wolves on a leash and the goosebumping experience of the wonderful wolf' song.
And now there is also an absolute highlight: the Howl Night. An event to which many visitors are expected and which promises a lot of fun, excitement and just a great time at the campfire!
My conclusion in this short space of time: The very first moment you are a very new one and and in the next you feel as a part of the WSC – it probably makes the magic of this very special place and all these people here, who are connected by the common passion: stong affection for animals and the nature. How great to experience all this!