
Anna Griebler (animal keeper)



When I started my non-scientific internship at the WSC in November 2015, I never thought I would come back to work there 4 years later. During my internship I have applied for an apprenticeship as an animal keeper at the Zoo Schönbrunn in Vienna. Obviously I was looking forward to this new experience, but at the same time I was sad. Because it was time to say good bye to the people and animals at the WSC. There were many challenges in the next three years, but at the same time I was able to collect many new experiences and memories. The WSC preyed in my mind and I came to visit quit often. Last year Kilio became part of my life who was a dog from the first generation of the WSC. As my apprenticeship came to an end I was asked if I want to work as an animal keeper at the WSC.

Since one month I’m back at the WSC and it feels like I have never left. I sometimes have the feeling that the animals still mention me. Even if I have my daily routines every day is different. During my internship I had the responsibility to take care of the dogs. Now I also take care of the wolves and build confidence.

Every day brings new challenges, but I’m glad to be part of the WSC again.